Step 1 of 9 11% Is your business registered in one of these Minnesota counties: Anoka, Carver, Chisago, Dakota, Hennepin, Isanti, Le Sueur, Mille Lacs, Ramsey, Scott, Sherburne, Sibley, Washington, and Wright OR Pierce and St. Croix Counties in Wisconsin OR are you a child care, food or agriculture based business in any county in Minnesota? Yes No WomenVenture only provides loans for registered businesses within the counties listed above OR child care, food or agriculture businesses within the state of Minnesota. If you are within the counties listed and want to register a business, we would recommend looking into our training courses. If your business is outside of these counties, and not a child care, food, or agriculture business, you do not qualify for a loan from WomenVenture. What is your credit score? Above 500 Below 500 You currently do not qualify for a loan with WomenVenture. We recommend you explore our training courses and additional resources for credit counseling from Family Means, Lutheran Social Services, National Foundation for Credit Counseling, or Operation Hope. Do you have an EIN? Yes No You currently do not qualify for a loan with WomenVenture. We recommend registering for our Startup Toolkit course. How long have you been in business? More than two years Less than two years I haven’t started my business yet If you are a startup and not generating income currently, please schedule an appointment with our business consulting team for guidance. Is your business currently generating revenue? Yes No Please schedule an appointment with our business consulting team for guidance. Do you have a written business plan? Yes No A business plan is required to complete a loan application. Please schedule an appointment with our business consulting team for guidance. Do you have two years of financial history and two years of business projections? Yes No You may still qualify for a loan with WomenVenture, but there are a few more steps to complete prior to applying. Please schedule an appointment with our business consulting team. Do you have any relevant financial, legal, or professional history to disclose, such as bankruptcies, judgments, debts in collections, repossessions, foreclosures, child support obligations, tax debts, lawsuits, license suspensions, ownership in other businesses, or co-signing/ guaranteeing loans? Yes No You may still qualify for a loan with WomenVenture, but more information is needed. Please schedule an appointment with our business consulting team. You are eligible to apply for a loan with WomenVenture! Please provide the following information and a member of our team will reach out with the application and next steps.Name First Last Email PhoneBusiness NameEINLoan Amount Being RequestedPurpose of loan fundsDo you have any questions or concerns? Δ